TheMothMan Wikia

Mary Hyre was one of the first, and one of the most persistent, to cover Mothman and other strangeness in Point Pleasant.  In her column, “Where The Waters Mingle,” in the Athens, Ohio Messenger, she regularly reported the latest sightings and speculations.

The following is the columnfrom the Athens, Ohio Messengers on Sunday, January 22nd 1967:

It seems that West Virginia is seeing its share of strange objects. The latest was by Tad Jones of Dunbar who said he came upon the Unidentified Flying Object on Interstate 64. Its description is like the of many which have been reported in many areas of the United States and around the world.

One woman in Point Pleasant reported several weeks ago about seeing something like that but it was in the air several hundred feet. There are also, of course, the sightings of the monster and the unidentified objects seen recently by people in Cheshire, Gallipolis, Eureka and Addison.

There is an interesting article in the February issue of True Magazine by John Keel of New York, who was here doing research for another article about the strange sightings in this area. The latter article will probably appear in the August or September issue.

In the article appearing this month, he says that each new sighting only adds to he mystery, one that the government has assigned scientists at the University of Colorado to solve. Any immediate solution, however, seems improbable.

The origins and motivations of these creatures, if they are real, can only be speculated. But millions of people throughout the world are now convinced that something is going on, and that there is "somebody out there." More and more, respected scientists and beginning to take the matter seriously as they delve into the question of life on other worlds.
