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The following is an Athens Messenger article from November 16th 1966 titled "Winged, Red-Eyed 'Thing' Chases Point Couples Across Countryside". It was written by local reporter Mary Hyre.

Winged, Red-Eyed 'Thing' Chases Point Couples Across Countryside

By Mary Hyre

Point Pleasant Correspondent

POINT PLEASANT - What stands six feet tall, has wings, two big red eyes six inches apart and glides along behind an auto at 100 miles an hour?

Don't Know? Well, neither do four Point Pleasant residents who were chased by a weird "man-like thing" Tuesday night.

Two young Mason County married couples today told of being chased by the "strange creature" around midnight Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs, Steve Mallette of 3505 Jackson Ave., and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Scaberry, 809 1/2 30th St., described their hair raising experiences, which began in the TNT area.

The two couples were riding in a car and as the auto crested a hill, an object loomed in front of them. The object was in the form of a man, about six feet tall with wings on its back.

Becoming frightened, the couples drove away. As they approached a traffic circle near Route 62, they said the thing loomed in front of the car again.

Mallette, 20, said they drove toward Point Pleasant on Route 62 at 100 miles an hour, with the strange creature drifting along behind the car.

The couples said the thing seemed to avoid lights. When they turned into the C. C. Lewis farm, the creature was again in front of the car. What appeared to be a large dead dog was lying on the road.

Later, the couples and police returned to the farm, but the dog had vanished. Deputy Sheriff Millard Halstead searched the TNT area. The deputy said the "thing" was gone, but he found "a strange pile of dust."

Scarberry, 18, said, "Believe me if you ever saw it, you'd be a believer." The men said they might go look for the thing tonight, but indicate they were afraid they might find it.

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Mothman: The Facts Behind The Legend (Page 73)